Download the app here - to watch video lectures (Available in iOS & Android) - Download the app here !


DD Tables

Have added 30 exam cases and with fact sheet - which will help you to diagnose also take care of the important DDs. All the exam cases, robbins videos, grossing modules, lab modules will be available for subscribers - To access -  Click here Below is the last added exam case DD table !! 

Mock exams for EgPG

Dear EGPGs,By first week of march we will be having Mock Slide exams - we will do it on separate days - Hemat, Cyto and Histo. I shall try to have video of explaining the cases as well. Post exams. If time permits, lets do it one more time before your exams ! Have got feedbacks from the many of you with the free cases which was put up today . ! Let's learn more and let's make pathology an easy subject. The mock exams and the video solutions will be available to subscribers. To access -  Click here

More exam cases !

Hello EGPGs, Have added two more exam cases - now in total there are 23 exam cases. Hopefully will add more before the end of the month. Do read the fact sheet with every case, it gives you a brief discussion, from standard books. Hopefully, will make the exam tad bit easy for you all !  The exam case module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

Exam cases - Added

Two more exam case videos added. Common lesions will be covered., before your final exam ! Stay tuned for more. Aim is to make it a must have companion for Pathologists, be it EGPG, JR, SR and consultants. Glad to have more pathologists joined our team and we will make sure the outcome will be great.  The exam case module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

Lab module update

Lab module is near to completion. Basics of fixation, processing, microtomeCommon stains usedA quick note on IHC/ICCA quick not on quality control - hemat, cyto and histo added. The module will be helpful to EGPGs for a quick reference.  The module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

Exam cases added

Dear Pathology Residents ! Added two more exam cases, by today end i will be completing exam set 2 module.. It will have a compilation of total 20 cases, with DD's and point to discuss in viva. You can get access to it in the exam cases section. The module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

Exam case added

Exam case 15 added. A very often seen case in practice ! Have a quick look at the gastric biopsy and lets learn more. The module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

Lab Module Released

Dear Residents,Have added a module for Lab Techniques. Have added few basic histology technique, will be adding more module segregated for a quick revision. The module has standard procedures from practical practice and books compiled in a place to read and revise. ! The module will be accessible to all the subscriber - To access -  Click here

iOS Update !

Dear Students, A much of a relief news, the iOS app version has been updated in the app store and you shouldn't have any concerns for now ! We have checked in our devices and the video plays smoothly.  This had put a little break in the momentum on course. Now back to the main stream, will be adding modules in techniques for users and more exam cases. Lets learn pathology smoothly.PG students. -  get access to lectures. - Click here | PG Residents Telegram Channel

Exam cases set 1 complete !

Hello dear students, Have completed set 1 exam cases. - have added 10 cases, 2 in hemat and rest in histo.  I shall try completing as many as possible for exam going PGs. Will be adding next set of cases, under exam set 2. PG students. -  get access to lectures. - Click here . For UG - Only Robbins Lectures - Click here Useful links - UG telegram Channel | PG Residents Telegram Channel