Published on Feb 15, 2024
A heartfelt message from Dr. Ranjith

My fellow colleagues and patholgoists, 

Structured course for EGPGs is the first in the country to make a plan and hopefully will execute to perfection.
  • Next 4 months is not just do or die of you all, its' also for me. 
  • Every day to give you the content - I am going to read the pages of WHO, Ackerman, sternberg on your behalf and give you something which you guys can excel in the 4/5 months.
  • Thank you for all the love you have been showing which has made us take a huge step in the path of success and we will make sure each #pathocub will roar to an extent the exams and the examiners will tremble 

A kind request from my side is to share the app with as many EGPGs as possible -  so it reaches all the students, because pathology PG exam is undoubtedly the most difficult int he country and this structured course will be POCKET friendly and also will be the best thing for every EGPG. 

The course will be visible from MONDAY only, post purchase you will get a receipt in your mail.  Rs. 4999/-  + GST - Enroll before monday to avail the early bird