Published on Jan 4, 2021
Very Good Morning

I am not sure how many of you are fans of PIXAR movies, I am one. I was yesterday seeing a movie "Soul", animated one by PIXAR. Where the initial part of the story kind of conveyed that every person in this world will be chosen to have a special talent and then only will be sent into the world.  I was like yes true, so the entire purpose of life is to search for it and live upto your "SPARK" 

The story unfolded beautifully and there was one afraid soul which did not find its spark and has been stuck at heaven and not reaching the earth. Finally one day the soul named "22" got its spark and was about to dive in.  The soul 22 did not realise it has gotten its spark. The soul just saw the change in colour of the badge (That's the indication) and was contemplating what the spark could be ?

Is my special talent Music?
Is my special talent Talking?
Is my special talent Walking?

Because I need to know what exactly is my special talent so that I can live the entire life searching and making it better.! So before diving into the earth another person asked the "Jerry" (Like the admin of heaven). What exact talent does 22 possess ? What exactly is the saprk of 22 ?

Jerry laughed and said. Who told you the Spark is a special talent and that once you find the talent you are ready to go and dive in. Jerry smiled and told the following and it was like someone talking to me directly, i hope to you as well. 

Jerry said "Your badge changes the colour, not when you find the talent - but just when you are ready to live.  Being ready and believing that you are ready is the most important thing, its not about having the talent, its all about not being afraid and ready to explore what's left out for you in the big and beautiful universe" 

So be ready to live, you will have lots of people around you telling giving your negative vibes, but for sure you will see one positive thing in your life, hold on to it, however small it might be. And just keep sailing ! With the same smile you have on your face right now. !

We are all beautiful souls ready to LIVE. Good morning -  for the first Monday of the fresh year. !